Sunday, 8 February 2009

Props, Costumes and Location

Right. My films is going to be hard. This much i know. I need various things to make it work, many of which i don't have, but i shall make do with what i have.

Costume wise, i have a few suggestions, many of which it turns out i have had for years, and must have been massive when i had them because they are still a fair size now, i just need to find people to wear them.

You probably can't see this, but it is a brown top and white trousers.. I guess this may be the kind of thing peopl eused towear, and if not, that's what they wear in this film. I have no idea what the white square thing is, but i'm sure it goes with the outfit somehow.

This is some sort of long shirt... I have no idea if this is anything similar to what they would have worn but it is now.

Depsite just looking like a large brown sheet with a bit on the end, this is infact some sort of cloak with a nice hood. This is kind of thing i think a monk or someone would wear, again, probably not but who cares... Nobody cares about historical acuracy anymore so y'know... The person burying the rteasure at the beginning of the film could wear this

This is my brothers sword. He said i can use it, providing he is there, but i'm pretty sure he'll let me anyway. Many people seem concerned about me using a sword, but i am only going to use this one, and i'm pretty sure it's not sharp enough to do any real damage without intention.

This could be wielded by one of the people chasing him. I am still working on flaming torches, i can go but some parafin tomorrow..

Location-wise, Kirk says i can probably use some land near him, which simply means travelling to Babraham for filming, which although potentially annoying, not too bad. After looking at this piece of land, i realised it would probably be very good for filming, and isn't too hard to get to - although we later realised that if you are carrying lots of things it makes the walk seem much longer. But it was very good, it had holes in the floor already, which is great as we would have had to dig a really big hole in order to bury the chest we used, and was very out of the way so not many people bothered us apart from a few people walking their dogs. We got some very odd looks when they walked past.
If you look in the film, there are two trees that we planted right in the middle of this path :D

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