This section is about the characters you have seen in the film so far, i may talk a little about some characters you have yet to meet, i haven't decided yet.
This character is David Jones or "Maddox". He is not in the least bit interested in archaeology or history or anything. He joined the group simply because of his brute force and he likes to beat up bad guys and save the day. He is the leader fo the group, mainly because nobody dares challenge him. He basically hangs around with the group so he can tell them what to do and beat up anybody that gets in the way or threatens them.
He was raised in a town riddled with crime and corruption, yet excelled in nearly everything he did. He was a straight A student and had a really bright future, until one fateful day when his parents were murdered infront of him. He was saved because he heard a lot of noise and decided to hide in a cupboard and try to see what was going on. Unfortunately, this meant he saw his parents getting dismembered by the sword wiedling posse, an incedent that scarred him for the rest of his life. He started missing school, simply because he couldn't see the point anymore. This is when he started to take as many martial arts lessons as possible, so he could defend himself. Unfortunately, he didn't really like the whole punching and kicking scene and preferred to simply beat beat down with whatever he happened to find in the surroundings, be this a small rock or a TV. As he is so distrubingly violent, he is wanted by many countries all over the world, but as he is capturing bad guys and killing them, he is really doing the world a favour and nobody really wants to arrest him for it, so they find reasons to keep him out.
Unfortunately as he gets older, hid enemies don't but they do always think of more crazy and elaborate ways to try and stop him and his team of archaeologists from discovering anything. Maddox fights for revenge, not justice as many do. He doesn't care about catching the bad guy, just ensuring nobody hurts anyone wthat doesn't deserve it. The traumatic experience he faced as a child has had it's effect on Maddox, who is now quite mad.
The name "Maddox" was given to him after his therapist told the newspaper he was "As mad as an Ox". While this phrase doesn't really make sense, the media licked it up as soon as another case was racked with the headline "Mad Ox Kills Again" all over the news. The team simply stole the name from that.
This member of the group is the more sciency person. His main area of focus is running tests and all that jazz, like they do on CSI when they're looking for DNA or fingerprints. While he has an interest in archaeology, he is also more interested in the sciency side of things so he can find out new and exiting information that could be valuable to the case. As the name suggests, he was raised by a very wealthy family Squinty is rarely violent, but should he deem in necessary or important that he gets his hands dirty and beats the hell outta some people he will. While not as angry as Maddox, nor as pacifistic as Matt, he is the sorta of middle-man, that will help when he has to ort thinks his friends are in danger. He, however prefers to use the weapons he was given naturally as uses his hands and feet more often than physical weapons.
This section is about one of the characters known simply as Matt. At the beggining of the film you know nothing about this character. You continue to know nothing until about halfway through the film. This is entirely intentional. It is meant to make the viewer come to their own conclusions about who he is working for and what they think about him with no knowledge of his, simply jedging by his actions and appearence. He never talks about his past, and the only thing anyone knows about him is that he tells people to call him Matt. He admits this is not his real name, but will not reveal what that actually is. He has no interest in archaeology or history, and is a pacifist, so it is unclear why he joined the group until you find out some more about him. He seems realtively normal whilst on digs, he talks freely and openly to the other characters but if anyone tries to bring up his past he simply ignores them for the rest if the dig.
Despite being the most mysterious character in the film, you are given the most insight into his personal life as the film progresses. After the dig, each of the characters goes home, and you are shown their daily routine very briefly. Cup of tea, watch the news, go to bed etc, whereas 'Matt's' night is different everyday. This means you are shown what he gets up to, not in any great detail as that would give away to much, but you are shown brief parts of his evenings to try and sway you opinions one way or the other. Despite being a pacifist and not caring about what he does, he is a vital member of the group for several reasons. I am not going to explain these as that would ruin the film, so you'll just have to watch the whole thing to find out.
The final character in the group is known as Skully, due to his love of archaeology. He was not featured in the opening scene, because of an injury he sustained during the last case. He was caught in a car while it span out of control after getting shot at and blown up and stuff. Unfortunately for him, he is the only one of the group with a worthwhile knowledge of preserving archaeological finds, and therefore when the team find the chest in the opening, they merely pick itup and throw it around as if it is worthless.
Raised in a small village away from the big suburban areas of the country, Laurence was born to a middle class family and discovered his love for archaeology when digging in his garden. He was trying to plant a tree, when accidentally hit a smooth round white stone. He tried to dig it out, and realised it was a skull. Any normal child would have screamed and been scarred for life, yet he was fascinated. He kept digging, carfeul not to break anything and eventually uncovered an entire human skeleton. He watched from his bedroom window as police swarmed the garden taking notes and photos, the whole time simply amazed at what was going on. From then on, he decided that is what he wanted to do - dig holes and find cool things that people would want to look at.
He met the rest of the team at a medieval dig, when they tried to get past the guards and see what was going on. These guards tried their best to stop this 'gang' getting in, and yet two unarmed people managed to knock out 30 armed guards, while one more simply stood and watched. While confused as to exactly how these men had done such a thing so quickly, he soon decided he would probably be better off with them, instead of trying to fight them, so they joined forces and started doing things. He has no problems fighting, but obviouly would prefer it if he didn't have to.
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